Taylor Brand


When pasting in text, it is best to use CMD + Shift + V, as it should paste and match the style of the text box you are pasting into. This means it will remove all formatting from the text and paste it in without extra bold or italic styling attached. You can also select all of the text and use the Clear Formatting button that appears at the end of the little popup above the text.


Remember when using headings, to actually select the heading level. This can be located by clicking on the gear icon after clicking on the Heading, or by using the gear icon on the right panel, second tab after clicking on the Heading. All headings default to Midnight Blue and can use the .heading-white or the .heading-purple combo class to turn white.

Heading 1

Englisch, 80PX, M 64PX

Heading 1

Englisch, 80PX, M 64PX
Combo Class: heading-purple

Heading 1

Englisch, 80PX, M 64PX
Combo Class: heading-white

Heading 1

Englisch, 48PX, M 32PX
Combo Class: heading-48-32

Heading 1

Englisch, 80PX, M 48PX
Combo Class: heading-80-48

Heading 2

Englisch, 80PX, M 64PX

Heading 2

Englisch, 80PX, M 48PX
Combo Class: heading-80-48

Heading 3

Englisch, 48PX, M 32PX

Heading 3

Englisch, 80PX, M 48PX
Combo Class: heading-80-48

Heading 3

Factor A, 26PX, M 24PX
Combo Class: heading-3-26-24

Heading 3

Factor A, 36PX, M 24PX
Combo Class: heading-3-36-24
Eyebrow (Color Inherited)
Eyebrow Purple
Eyebrow Red
Eyebrow Gray
Eyebrow BG Red
All Default Links
Default Link Style, inherits styles
stays bold red
General Link, Underlined, 20px, M20px
White, Red & black variations
Link Thin
THinner Link, inherits styles
Stays 500 Red
Button Link
Link for Tiles, not underlined
18px, M18px
Button Link 20
Larger Button, 20px, M20px
White, Red & Purple variations
Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars and change the world.
–  Harriet Tubman, The Powerful Legacy of Women with Disabilities
  • 100%
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    People of Color
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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • 100%
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • 100%
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • +1000%
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • +2000%
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • +3000%
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Taylor Brand


Fill and border colors for backgrounds and more.
Changes here will apply site wide.

Please Note: https://webflow.com/blog/new-feature-global-swatches

Taylor Purple
Taylor Black
Taylor Brand


Symbols available for reuse. Any edits to them will change all instances. Edit by double clicking them. To change an instance for a specific page, right click the symbol and click Unlink Instance.

Existing sections on each page can be made into symbols by right-clicking the section/element and selecting Create Symbol from the context menu. Be sure to unlink any instances that are varied from the original.
